30th of March 2018 Barcelona

30th of March 2018 Barcelona 

Walking through Borne in Barcelona. Listening to Sleeper. Music to access fast this state.
Many many many people walking the streets. I find it difficult to feel the space ignoring their presence and just feel them as moving blobs. I somehow don´t feel comfortable doing that. So I indulge in looking into each face and collecting stamps as I have previously done on my walks. These are people I don´t know. I can just take in their image one by one. I see families and get engaged in quick looks of similar appearances in their faces or ways of walking.

I feel the people walking past me, some close some far, and each one carries an electricity, or an energy. I feel this more and more as I walk more and more through these crowded streets. Some people carry angles, other softness, others shine bright, others are dark and others are warm.
The street feels like it lights up in different colours, but its not really a colour in itself but a warmth or coldness created by the people who are moving though it.

A strong wind starts to blog, really strong. It is so obvious because everything starts flying around and people are all holding on to flapping jackets, hoods and hats. I sit on a high space and watch people walk by. I look at eyes now. I collect pairs of eyes in my retina. I find they are a complex space to travel into. Instances of lives, experiences all captured in them. Pairs of eyes talk to me and tell me stories. I don´t get involved in the details, just the mood is enough to get a taste.

I had never had this experience before. Not like this. I have a whole new idea coming from here. A new experiment I´m willing to try.



WALKING IN DIFFERENT WAYS OF SEEING.             Somehow, this title is difficult to understand, but once I can explain what the proj...