25th of July 2017. Ibiza.
Walking from the studio to town, (San Antonio) and back.
Ways I know very well.
Finding it quite hard to get away from the known.
I got sensitive to the light, finding disorientation in it.
So I concentrate on looking at the shadows on the ground immediately front of my way. Shadows are the shape without the content, altered by the point of view, light and ground, easily creating new information.
Once again I find a wonderful tool to play with and enter a new dimension inside the one I thought I knew so well.
Some shadows move and flutter. My attention is attracted to this movement.
Life represented by movement. Movement is telling a story, giving me information. Subjectivity, creating my own story from plain facts. Imagination.
Access to meanings I already know but didn´t recognise till I invented a story that was already part of my unknown.
Today I finally started the Painting after the walk. The large piece I want to work on during this process.
I had prepared them a while ago but was waiting for the right moment to start the process. Today was cloudy and the studio therefore wasn´t so hot and I could bare the heat.
I prepared two bases to be able to then choose one of two possibilities. It was so intense and wonderful to spend the whole day there and see, finally, what it unveils. One of the pieces was more smooth and didn´t have so many details in the smudges. It was all in yellow and ochre and I decided this will be the Labyrinth. I then decided that the second piece would be the base to paint the other idea I had in Vienna about the tree and my unlived experiences.
I ended up playing around with the tree painting because it was easier to manage as an image, and for the moment just look at the yellow one to see what it tells me.