5th of February 2018. Ibiza.

5th of February 2018. Ibiza.

Listening to “Biode” once again.
Walking over the sand in the beach and I´m drawn constantly to the shapes the sand reveals from the movement of humans, animals or objects over it.
I walk along the beach because it´s where I don´t find other people walking. Theay are all walking along the promenade. People can be a distraction when I´m not hiding behind my sunglasses I don´t have with me today.

It´s cloudy.

Today, as I just said, my attention is mainly on the ground.
Shapes left by moving bodies.
I realise I recognise the meaning of these shapes and how they were produced. It is precisely that knowledge I want to shut down.

How can I just look at it without understanding it´s a consequence?
How can I just look at the shapes themselves with no understanding?
I stop walking and need to just pick any section of the sandy beach and choose it to look at it.
Fixedly look at just one patch. Concentrate on one part. No exploring, just there.
Look and look and look and look…. till I´m bored with it, really bored with looking at the same spot.

Just when I get bored something goes “click” inside. My boredom triggers playfulness in my mind. I start to “imagine”, play with the image, create.
My mind has found joy in monotony. It finds a way to create phenomena out of nothing.
 When I think back at the experience as I write, I realise how important for me this little discovery is. There is a great clue to how creativity works in this.

Monotony can be the repetition of something over and over again.
Say it’s a shape or a sound if it were music. The repetition of this at first might seem boring, but over time, it creates a new shape, a new sound or melody. So, in itself it takes on a new meaning. It turns into something else.
If we follow this process, we can each time take a larger view, each time going out further and further, to embrace a larger picture.
The vision comes away from a concentrated point and expands out into infinity.
Structures that support greater structures.
We capture the dimension we are in, the one that fits our space.
Fractals come to mind, might be an other image that explains this understanding.



WALKING IN DIFFERENT WAYS OF SEEING.             Somehow, this title is difficult to understand, but once I can explain what the proj...