12th of July 2017, Vienna.
12th of July 2017 Vienna.
“I start walking with diffused vision to get rid of perspective. I see shadows and shapes, light and dark. Sometimes I walk into a darker area and others, more often towards lighter ones.
I stop this way and then feel I´m being easy on myself by only asking myself on this walk, through some streets I know very well, to just look for details I had never seen. This is the easier way into this exercise on days I´m feeling lazy. So I walked and just looks into details I had never seen, certain windows, plants, cracks in the pavement or in a glass window. A stain, a mural, a sticker… infinity of objects, one after the next, so much that it ends up by also putting me in a state of being somewhere completely new, like I have never been there. The space turns into a who different place.
The movement of the cars and people around me while I look into static details feel like the frantic movement creating an elastic complicated embroidery that is in constant change, am I in this movement or am I out of it?.”