24th of January. 2018. Ibiza.
Night walk. Just Walking in different ways of seeing and not then painting the labyrinth.
Light and dark play the game on me.
Light again, but this time in greater contrast of creation.
Most of the walking was experienced through movement of light catching my attention, like a TV screen in a room that pulls my sight over to it constantly.
At one point I stop walking and stare into a darker space into a field. The shapes drawn by light become, little by little, (as they get further from me, and my surrounding source of light) more abstract and fainter, till they turn into black.
I feel the black space is uncomfortable, uneasy. The sensation in my gut, as I look into this space a while longer feels like a deep hole, infinity, nothingness. My sight recovers the view of shapes and feels better with this distracting shapes I can “play” with, and interpret .
I come away from this Walk with one important idea to explore.
I realise I never go there voluntarily and I feel I might find some interesting feelings there.
I think an interesting place to sit and meditate would be the entrance of a tunel, where light goes gradually into dark. I would be in the light looking into the dark.